Learning Center Certification &Learning Center of Excellence DesignationPurpose of the learning centers of excellence program
APPLICATION PROCESS All applicants for Learning Center Certification and Learning Center of Excellence Designation must review and complete the LCE/LCC Google Form application designed to assist in identifying the appropriate evidence to include to meet the certification criteria. A review committee of 2-3 members from the ICLCA Past President's Council, current Executive Board, or LCE recipients will review the applications for consideration. Each application is rated according to meeting and/or exceeding the current standards. Applicants may be asked to submit additional information at the request of the evaluators to further explain or enhance their application. After an application is reviewed, the review committee will provide feedback and suggestions based on each application to encourage each center to continue to strive for excellence
PAYMENT Payments can be made online via ICLCA's online store, hosted by Square Questions
Laura Sanders sandersl@nclca.org | 219-464-5210 |
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