The ICLCA Executive Board identified a number of ICLCA members were leading Learning Centers providing services to specialized populations, such as Athletes, TRiO students, Veterans, as well as others. Prior to 2019 these excellent learning centers were being nominated for the ICLCA Frank Christ Outstanding Learning Center Award and were frequently receiving high marks from reviewers however falling behind those centers who served an entire campuses population. The 2017-2018 Board created the ICLCA President’s Outstanding Learning Center Award for Specialized Populations to be awarded based on similar qualifications as the Frank Christ Outstanding Learning Center Award with the exception of their limited specialized population.
purposeThe purpose of the ICLCA President’s Outstanding Learning Center Award for Specialized Populations is to give national recognition to the work done by learning centers that provide learning services to a limited specialized population and to foster their future growth and development. Each year, ICLCA may recognize two centers for excellence: one two-year college (Technical, Community, etc.) and one four-year college or university. Awards will be announced and presented at the annual conference. | General InformationAll members are welcome to apply for awards and grants. Preference will be given to those who have not won the award in the last 2 years. Membership to ICLCA is required prior to nominating or applying for an award or grant. An affiliate member must also become a member of ICLCA in order to be eligible for awards and grants. International Schools who are members are welcome to apply. Each award winner will receive an engraved plaque. A representative from the winning program is encouraged to be present at the conference where the award will be given. Selected programs must notify ICLCA in writing of award acceptance. The review criteria for this award will be based on the best practices established by Frank Christ which can be found on Learning Support Center for Higher Education, with consideration for only learning centers serving specialized populations. Previous first place winners may apply after 5 years have lapsed. Those awarded a placing position may apply after 3 years have lapsed. |
Complete a cover sheet with name, address, e-mail, fax number and title of center
Complete nomination/application letter that summarizes the center strengths and achievements (2 pages maximum)
Submit letter of endorsement from the institution's President, Vice-President, Dean, or senior administrator
Submit a detailed description of the center following this numbering sequence (10-12 pages max). We are not able to accept materials beyond the 10-12 page limit. However, items for the responses to #8 and #9 are to be included at the end and do not count in the 10-12 page limit.
Submit the following application materials (formatted in MS Word) in the order below:
1. General
2. Clientele
Number of students your center serves annually and overall size of the institution (i.e. students, faculty, staff, administration, alumni)
3. Programs and Services
4. Technology
Talk about ways technology is used in the center (i.e. to capture and report data, to enhance individual student learning, to deliver programs and services, to engage students in social media)
5. Partnering
Partnerships with other campus departments or area institutions (i.e. orientation, new faculty programs, online students, ESL students, classroom presentations). Relationship to any other learning centers on campus.
6. Staff Training
List ways professional development of your staff occurs including any part-time, volunteer or student workers
7. Certification and Recognition
List of publications by staff (books, articles, selective conference presentations) with relevant publication information
8. Program Evaluation
Submit an annual report (qualitative, quantitative)
9. Publicity and Public Relations
Bookmarks, brochures and/or other promotional materials
To Apply:
Brad Jones
Louisiana State University
For additional information, please contact:
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