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Iclca newsletter

The ICLCA Newsletter provides a professional publishing avenue in support of building, growing, and sustaining healthy Learning Centers. Writers are encouraged to write short (500 word or less) articles about the work they are already doing across all types of Learning Centers. We hope to support you, your teams, and your centers by ongoing publishing efforts of your approaches, successes, and lessons learned. 

Topics that often get published include but are not limited to:

Managing funding & budgets  Recruiting & Training  Space Design
Diversity Practices  Respect & Inclusion  Practices  Marketing & Outreach Techniques
Advocacy & Success Reports  Orientation to Programs  Constructing/Deconstructing Centers
Hybrid Tutoring/Coaching   Teaching Workshops & Seminars  Learning & Teaching Pedagogies

Submissions welcome anytime! 

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Learning Center Spotlight

We want to know what is happening in your center! Are there changes to spaces, staffing, demographics, campus partnerships, strategic plans? Have new opportunities come up recently and how are you approaching them? Limited to 500 words.

Practitioner's Corner

Share the techniques and strategies for building learning center programs, spaces, training, assessment, certification, and more. Limited to 500 words.

Student & Staff Spotlight

Celebrate and share the amazing student or staff leadership in your center. We want to highlight the great work of outstanding individuals in our Centers. Limited to 250 words and a photo.

Media Review

We want to know what is inspiring you. So share your reviews about articles, books, podcasts, videos, MOOCs, infographics, posters, or blogs you recommend as a great professional development tool. Limit 500 words and include a APA-style citation.

Job Posting

All postings will show:
  • Position Title
  • Institution and location
  • Application Link
  • Deadline for application (if applicable)

Affiliates & Partners

We publish updates from our affiliates around the world as well as our vendors and partner orgranizations.

 The editor encourages your contributions. Address inquiries to: Keigh-Cee Bell  | bellk@nclca.org

The ICLCA Newsletter is e-mailed quarterly to the membership and edited by the Publications Committee.

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